
Banneton, round 22cm

$43 (incl. tax)

Bannetons/cane proving baskets are traditionally used to give the bread its shape while proving and are recommended for use instead of tins. These often have an anti-stick treated surface that contains toxic materials that may be leeching into your bread.

Simply sprinkle some flour into the banneton and then place the dough inside. Cover with a cloth and let the dough prove. Then remove the dough from the banneton by turning it over on a tray. Bake the dough and enjoy delicious, non-toxic bread. It is that simple.

The baskets are made of natural, untreated rattan cane and are sufficient for approximately 1kg dough.

Size: Ø 22cm

Made in Germany

2 in stock (can be backordered)


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Additional Information
Weight 0.5 kg

Long, Round

2-5 days
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